20 Minutes Crossfit EMOM Dumbbell Workout with Faisal PMA


Time: 20 Minutes

Coaches Tip

What's happening guys! Faisal here, back again, this time with a 20 minute Crossfit Dumbbell EMOM! 5 exercises; we're going to work for 40 seconds and then rest for the rest of that minute.

Make sure you're warmed up before hand and mentally prepared to give it your all and earn each 1 minute rest!

Focus on moving consistently, and well throughout.




5 exercises | 40 seconds on 20 seconds rest

Movement 1: Dumbbell Swings

Movement 2: Dual Snatch

Movement 3: Deadlift High Pull

Movement 4: Burpees Over Dumbbell

Movement 5: Devil's Press


Meet Faisal


Named as one of London’s top personal trainers, Faisal has an infectious energy that will ensure you leave his sessions buzzing. His endless enthusiasm and positive mental attitude have earned him the title Mr PMA among clients, and PMA is the mantra he applies to everything in life.

Faisal knows a thing or two about transforming bodies, as the man behind popstars Ellie Goulding, Ella Eyre and Jorja Smith’s amazing physiques. Known as Mr PMA because of his infectious positive mental attitude, his years of experience as a master trainer for Nike and Barry’s Bootcamp mean he knows a thing or two about making you sweat. Just ask The Body Coach, Joe Wicks, who says, “Faisal will get you up on a Monday morning.” Named by press as one of the top 10 PTs in London  Faisal means business! He believes PMA is the key to unlocking the best version of yourself and that by learning to train your body as well as your mind, you’ll be well on the road to success. The question is, are you ready to sweat?!